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Full (blue) Moon in Libra - Stepping up

Writer: Hair PriestessHair Priestess

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

Friday 19th April 2019 12:12pm GMT

The first word which springs to mind for this Full Moon is Freedom, and boy are we seeing that on the streets of London right now! Things are finally starting to happen and big change is on the horizon.

This is the second consecutive Full Moon in Libra, the previous feeling quite different. Libra rules our relationships, and how we interact with others. Happening at the final degree of Libra, there is a strong feeling of culmination and the beginning of a new era.

The Sun is joining forces with radical Uranus as it illuminates our blessed moon which will be really shaking things up and giving us the courage to step into a completely different way of being.

There has been an ongoing theme of karmic soul work happening lately, and at times the lessons have been pretty exhausting. I am pleased to announce that for anyone who has been watching old stories come up and consciously changing them, you should now be ready for acceleration! Well done! It has been intense.

We have many planets in Cardinal signs, including Mercury who is finally out of the shadows, which brings lots of action and beginnings. Mercury moving into Aries will be gifting us with a new way of thinking and communicating.

Take a moment to observe your current relationships. Are they working in harmony with the 'new you' or are they are repeat of those old stories needing to go? What are you seeing reflected back? Can you see how wonderful you are? Its also worth checking the balance with your relationship to yourself. Are you honouring your hearts desire?

Inspired by the Ivy which persistently grows, I encourage you to look at the fabric you are weaving in your life. If there is a part you don't like, simply take out those strands and weave in new strands of self love, and trust in divine purpose. Remove strands of old beliefs that could be causing problems, and remember, you are the creator of your own life.

Wishing everyone a blessed Blue Moon (as shown in the painting hehe), and a glorious long weekend, may your heart sing with a new found love for all life that surrounds you.

Blessed Be!


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