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Full Moon in Aries - Active Healing

Writer's picture: Hair PriestessHair Priestess

Thursday 1st October 2020 - 10:05pm GMT

Welcome to a power-filled month and the first of TWO October Full Moons! This Blue Moon happens in the sign of Aries which will activate the energies ahead. Aries brings a young, fast and strong vibe to this Moon. It helps initiate dreams and get the ball rolling, so to speak. Aries can be passionate and courageous, but also impulsive and aggressive. When the Lunar energy reaches its peak, be careful not to scold those around you or burn any bridges, those connections could be useful later.

The Full Moon is happening in unison with Chiron, bringing the healing process into action. This is great time of year to join in with the trees and plant life by shedding our stuff back to the Earth. As the trees drop their leaves, we too can let go of the hurt, pain or fear we’ve been carrying for too long. Chiron will reveal some personal truths that can point us to the seat of our power, if we are ready to claim it.

Sun in Libra beautifully illustrates ‘what' needs healing via our relationships. Certain people will poke and provoke us to look at ourselves. Any triggers that linger lead us to the part which needs healing, so don’t dismiss the experience, learn from it. Some people may want to pull you in for a fight, but you are only involved if you internally or externally react to it. It doesn't make you weak if you choose not to rise to it. Not everyone deals with confrontation easily, and some need more time to process feelings before responding to situations. Its important that we honour each other with sensitivity so not to create another level of dictation and pressure between us all.

Tension between the old paradigm and the new age is intensifying. The old desperately trying to hang on without loosing face, and the young wanting to spark something new. As Saturn recently turned direct in Capricorn, it squares up to a rather frustrated Mars retrograde in Aries, now the slow and serious planet is on the move and the fast and furious is being stalled. This speaks to me about pace and patience. There are many ways we can work towards something great. The first thing to get right, is our own vibration. A Mars retrograde period can be used as a time to modify ideas, draw up some plans, tune into our passion. It also happens to be working in harmony with the nodes of the moon, so we are learning all the time. Learning to practice meditation, focused intention and how to be humble, so that when the time comes we can move with precision and grace. 

This powerfully healing Full Moon will offer us a unique piece of self-acceptance that can bring everything together. Whether that be a challenge we need to stabilise OR something that elevates us higher will depend on the individual. Libra looks for harmony, balance, justice and beauty in life. Use this Libra season to find the treasure in what feels like a challenge. If you would like to know what area of your life this Full Moon will most affect, fill out the contact form on my website (Time of Birth essential) and I will send a brief outline for FREE. 

May the blessings of the Harvest Moon reveal your gifts to you and may you move with confidence along your path. Burn away your blocks and fears so you can reclaim your power with pride, and enjoy where you are right now.

Blessed Be!


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