Thursday 28th January 2021 - 7.16pm London Time
Leo loves the limelight, and the first Full Moon of 2021 is giving us a massive boost of confidence to get us out there. Energy is incredibly charged with rebel Uranus and big player Jupiter applying explosions. Things may get wild!

An opposition from Jupiter, exactly conjunct the Sun means that ego's will be inflated and differing opinions may lead to drama. Our self-expression is of highest emotional importance. Mix that with the Lion's pride, and you got yourself a Diva. Are you going to take it to the stage, or take it out on your mates?
The subject of money and worth is up on the table as Venus meets Pluto in Capricorn. Major transformation of values on both inner and outer levels. Mars is driving us into action in the sign of Taurus which rules money and the material world. Things don't happen to us, they happen for us to expand, so whatever financial changes you are experiencing they are opportunities to grow in some way.

Uranus is squaring up the Full Moon, and of course Jupiter too. When Uranus and Jupiter square expect change. We may be called, or forced to change, or maybe we will change hastily. Uranus will flip things on their heads. What house does Taurus rule in your chart? This will help things make sense. What repeating patterns are you seeing from the Jupiter/Uranus square 7 years ago? I sense a new chapter opening.

We are soon to enter Mercury Retrograde which happens in Aquarius a few days after the Full Moon. This is a period to revolutionise your way of thinking. In the words of my fave YouTube spiritual guides, Sri and Kira, we will either re-mind or free-mind. Aquarius is all about rebelling and breaking free, so when Mercury goes into the underworld there, prepare to either get in familiar fights or see the truth about all that is and the great I AM presence inside all of us. Which "I" is you?

Living from your heart and loving others no matter where they are on their path will fill you with divine inspiration. If you feel ready to step into your Healer/Teacher/Mentor, be more Leo over this Full Moon! And have fun! Any sisters who are looking for a spiritually expansive journey into 2021 check out the Priestess Power Portal I AM creating with 2 other women.
Lastly, we may see some sparks of jealousy from Black Moon Lilith. The confidence boost we are getting will undoubtedly trigger jealousy in others. We can feel it! I created this little Deflecting/Hex Breaking Spell to add to your rituals tonight to send any projected energy back as healing. Enjoy.

Have fun, and have the confidence to be you!
Blessed be