6th April 2023 5:34am uk time

This is the first full moon of the astrological new year and it’s packing a punch.
The chart shows the moon standing alone, facing the Sun who is sandwiched between Chiron and Jupiter. So if you have been healing or feeling your wounds in a big way, that will be why!

Chiron is about struggle and pain, but also the ability to heal and teach others from real experience. Wherever it is displayed in our birth chart can give us an indication of what we avoid looking at and the challenges we forever try to overcome. I offer Chiron readings specifically designed to explore this topic, If you are interested get in touch. For now, just take into account our wounds could be getting amplified over this full moon, and we can use this as a golden opportunity to heal ourselves.
Libra is the sign of relationships. Through a connection with others we are able to see ourselves, especially the bits we try not to see! Experiencing and observing emotional triggers within relationships can offer valuable insight. Talking about them can lead to even more powerful healing.

Mercury is in Taurus, which is useful if it manifests as slow, grounded thinking and communication. However, Taurus sure knows how to be stubborn. And we should also take into consideration that Mars is in watery cancer, so we ARE acting emotionally! And that’s ALL of us. Helpful to know before taking things too personally. If you are feeling powerless over your emotions and want to release some stuff, I will be hosting a Kundalini Yoga Class online on Monday 10th April 10:30am uk time to help release some pressure.
This particular full moon is a very good time to be tuning into your next intentions.
The next new moon is the last eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis for a while. We have been pulling away from the deep, dark waters of Scorpio to learn more about our resources, our worth and physical bodies in Taurus. Things have changed a lot over the last year and the path ahead may look very different. Before setting your new eclipse intentions, it will be worth reflecting for inspiration.
Here are some eclipse related prompts if you need them:
What new goals now feel achievable?
What have I learnt about my self worth?
How can I improve my relationship to my body? Or to the earth?
How is my attitude towards money?
What area of my life needs healing?
How does it feel to slow down?
Am I utilising all my senses?
Wishing everyone a blessed moon jam wherever you are. I’ll be hosting a Mantra and Meditation Moon Circle online on 6th April at 8pm uk time - all welcome.

Blessed be!