Monday 12th April 2021 - 3:31am GMT
Aries is the archetype of new beginnings, new impulses, new desires, independence, and initiation. Aries and Taurus, the first two signs of the zodiac wheel, are where new evolutionary impulses are birthed and take root. This is a time of personal process where we develop our capacities, and establish healthy independence.
The New Moon is happening in close proximity to Venus, encouraging radical acts of self-love. The more we value, develop, and appreciate ourselves, the more abundance, love, and respect we will open ourselves to from the outer world. This is a good time to launch strong intentions for ourselves, as the power to manifest is hot right now.

This period is best spent working, building, and focusing on our personal projects and what we want to bring to the world. However, ruling planet Mars is leading us to connect with other humanitarian souls who want to make good in the world. From these conscious connections, we may discover new avenues and solutions to current problems rather than be swept up in battle against the old ways. We will be igniting each other’s imagination and fuelling desires for action, expression, and passion ready to plant exciting new seeds on the next lunar cycle.
Tension between Venus and Pluto encourages us to transform old patterns and outdated systems with a sense of love and understanding. Intimate relationship can get a spark of passion and excitement too as we continue to shed old beliefs and open ourselves up to new ways of being. There’s a lot of fiery flames being blown by the wind which will bring more heat and light to all our relationships, especially the romantic kind.

My advice is to become aware of the rockets of desire you launch. Are they for your highest good? Are they even for you?? You are allowed to create a nice life for yourself you know. Make time on this New Moon to contemplate what you want to manifest and attract more of. Use this powerful energy to set clear intentions that will benefit you. The work we do on ourselves has a wonderful way of reaching others, so if your concerns are always about helping others, how about leading a strong and healthy example instead?
Many moon blessings to you all, wishing you the power to create something wonderful in this world.