Saturday 4th May 11:45pm
Taurus is fixed Earth, it is slow and deliberate. It stops to smell the blossom, listen to the birds and touch the new soft grass. There are no major aspects happening to this this New Moon, however, the ongoing themes of change still exist.
Recent Retrograde spins of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn will be calling us to re-invent the systems we have lived by for years. We can all see the cracks and imminent collapse of our external systems (banks, governments, education systems), but we should also be noticing the internal order coming up for review too. Are you seeing old patterns of behaviour that don't feel good? It is your chance to re-evaluate the purpose of them during this retrograde season and make the changes you need by slowing down enough to listen to the whispers of your heart.
We may be feeling extra sensitive at this time and its important to take things slow and steady like the Bull and feel into what your body needs. The ruler of Taurus, our Goddess Venus, is forming a T-square to the moons nodes which represents our karmic direction. We can use this sensitive and creative Venus energy to help us tune into what makes us feel emotionally safe and move purposefully towards that happier place.
The imagination will be strong with ideas and opportunities beginning to present themselves, which could lead to frustration as we battle the old agenda. If it gets too much, remember the Taurus Bull, take a deep breath to sigh out all that hot air, and slow yourself enough that the answers can come to you.
I encourage you to continue to cultivate a state of unconditional love for yourself and those around you. This new paradigm we are entering is considerate of ALL LIFE and requires non-judgemental, empathic listening and non-violent communication. We don't know the details of another journey, the effects of their childhood, or what situation they are currently in. There will be a lot of fear around, hanging on for power, don't let it suck you in. Let love win.
Wishing everyone a rich and luscious Month of May. Enjoy the beauty of our great Mother as she blooms in all her Glory.